Tools required: Torx 6 screwdriver, torx 3 screwdriver, plastic shim like a credit card.
- Remove the battery cover, battery and sim card.
- Run your fingernail around the join of the aerial cover and it should release with a bit of force.
- You should now have the aerial cover removed. Next remove the six screws you can see.
- The metal part, shown below, will be loose and can be removed. There are now three ribbons to disconnect. They all attach like a plug and socket. Simply lift them up, away from the phone, to unplug them.
- You can now remove the circuit board, as shown below.
- Now run your fingernail or the edge of a credit card around the edge of the front cover in order to remove it.
- You should now have the front cover removed and your phone will look like below. Remove the two small screws you can see.
- Lift the keypad part from right to left making sure you hold the left side down as you do this. You'll here a pop as a connector on the right side unplugs. The keypad part will still be attached on the left by a wire.
- Your phone should now look like below.
- Run your credit card in-between the display window and the LCD screen. It's held on with double sided tape.
- Your phone should now look like below.
- Turn the phone towards you and look at the metal frame which surrounds the LCD. It's held on with six metal clips which need to be levered off. Use your small screwdriver to do this.
- Your phone should now look like below.
- The LCD screen will be loose and can now be removed. Reverse the whole procedure for reassembly.
Source: www.formymobile.co.uk