Sunday, June 20, 2010

PSP Glossary of Commonly Used Terms For Newbies.

Ad-hoc: The network process of connecting one PSP directly to another
Atrac3 and Atrac3Plus: Sony's format of music similar to mp3 and wma

Brick: To brick someone's PSP, key flash modules must be overwritten. If your PSP is bricked, when you turn it on nothing will happen except the little green light will come on.

C/C++: C and C++ are two commonly used languages for the PSP, C++ is the most powerful, but C is easier.

Cache: Where webpages are stored in temporary memory. Helps speed up page loading.

Coding: Coding is the act of making programs for the PSP. They may be make in a number of languages.

Custom Firmware: A custom firmware is a firmware mod made by a developer. These are most likely flashed to the PSP. These add funtionality to your PSP

Dark_Alex: The man dehind the 2.6-1.5 Downgrader, 1.5-1.0 Downgrader and custom firmwares

Decrypt: If you decrypt something then you remove all protection on it and can edit it freely

Directory: A directory is just the correct name for a folder.

Downgrading: Downgrading is the process of going down a firmware or two. This may be done because the lower firmware has more homebrew games that work on it.

EBOOT: EBOOT.PBP is what an application/game must be called to run on the PSP.

Emulator: An emulator is something that effectively turn your PSP console into something else. It may allow you to play (illegal) ROM's for an N64 or SNES or any other console.

Encrypt: The process of encoding information so it can't be changed then used

Exploit: An exploit is a bug in Sony's code that may hopefully lead to a buffer overflow or underflow which could lead to homebrew on that firmware.

Firmware: Your PSP's firmware is almost like OS, its upgrading every time. However Sony also put more effort in to stop homebrew every time.

Flash0: Stores highly important system stuff. Cannot restore itself

Flash1: Stores system settings and stuff such as your background. Can restore itself it you corrupt something

Flash: (N) The Flash memory of your PSP, where important system settings and files are kept. (V) To flash a PSP means to add, delete or change content onthe PSP

Flash Dump: An exact copy of a part or all of the PSP's flash

Hex Editor: A hex editor is basically used to take apart, well, anything. From editing menu names to changing your font loaction, a hex editor will do it.

Homebrew: Homebrew is any game or application not made by a company to make profit. Homebrew is generally free of charge.

ISO's: ISO's are against this site's policy. They are games that have been directly ripped from the UMD and put on the internet for anyone to download. They are VERY illegal

Kernel: Kernel is a specific part of the memory in any device, you PC will have kernel RAM also.
It controls access to more major system functions, but also if we use kernel RAM in an app we will have more RAM to work with.

LocationFree: A Sony device that lets you stream all of your media content, TV, Radio etc... to your PSP. Works only with version 2.50 and above (emulated or flashed)

Memory Stick: The memory stick (or ms0) is the little card you insert into your PSP. This stores information such as songs etc...

MP4: The format the PSP uses as standard for a/v

NAND: The Flash Memory that the PSP uses is called NAND Flash

.PBP: The PSP's form of .EXE

Port: The act of porting a game invoves making it run on a different console to what it what coded for, for example, you may port a PS2 game to work onthe PSP

Prx: A file that contains important system functions.

PSP: PlaystationPortable

Resolution: The number of pixels on something's screen. The PSP had 480 horizontally and 272 vertically, thats 130,560 altogether.

Ripped: If something was ripped from a UMD it doesn't mean it was torn, it means simply that an exact copy was made and saved to a computer.

ROM: 1 A ROM is like an ISO, although it is not from a PSP game, you may have ROM's for a GameBoy game etc... ROM's are illegal. 2 ROM or Read Only Memory is the PSP's memory stick, or your PC's hard drive, where information is kept.

Root: The root of your memory stick is not a folder. It is just the memory stick's contents before you have entered a folder.

Sleep Mode: A form of the Windows 'Hibernate' for the PSP

Theme: This is the PSP's default background with the Wavy Lines. You can access these different backgrounds by doing this on the XMB: Settings > Theme Settings > Theme, and you can pick your themes from here.

TA-082: A motherboard version identifiable by writing on the top left hand side of the inside of the UMD Drive. These PSP's are not downgradeable

Tiff Exploit: An exploit present only in 2.0 that allows unsigned code to run through a buffer overflow in the TIFF image loading code

UMD: A UMD, or Universal Media Disk, it the disk in the plastic casing the the PSP uses. Currently only large games companies can write to these. A UMD Holds 1.8 gigabytes of stuff

Updating: Updating is the process of taking you PSP up a firmware. However above firmware 2.60 there is no homebrew and you cannot downgrade. 2.80 is the most recent firmware

USB: Universal Serial Bus, the most common way of connecting a portable device to a computer, the PSP has a USB mini-B port, for which you'll need a USB mini-B cable

VSH: VSH is an abbreviation of Visual Shell

VSH Mode: The Mode that the XMB runs in, halfway between Kernal Mode and User Mode, gives flash access etc...

WEP: A network encryption format

Wifi: Wifi is the PSP's wireless feature, it comes in two versions, ad-hoc and infrastructure

WLAN: A WLAN, or Wireless Loacal Area Network is a home or business network that runs from a wirless access point (router)

WPA: Also known as TKIP, a network encryption protocol, safer than WEP


XMB: The XMB, or Cross media Bar is simply the PSP's menu UI
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